Profile Misc

Eshaan Nichani

Hi, I’m Eshaan! I’m a fourth-year PhD student in the ECE department at Princeton University, jointly advised by Jason D. Lee and Yuxin Chen. This is my academic website.

My research interests are broadly in theoretical machine learning and statistics. My current focus is on the theory of deep learning. More specifically, I am interested in:

  1. Provable guarantees for optimization and generalization (feature learning) in shallow neural networks.
  2. Learning guarantees for transformers on synthetic tasks.
  3. Principled explanations for phenomena that arise when training deep networks in practice.

Check out my publications page for more!

I spent Summer 2024 as a research associate at the Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Mathematics, working with Alberto Bietti. I am supported by the DoD NDSEG Fellowship. I received my B.S. degrees in Math and Computer Science (2020) and my M.Eng degree in EECS (2021) from MIT, where I was advised by Caroline Uhler.

You can contact me at eshnich (at) princeton (dot) edu.

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